Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Building a great brand is absolutely necessary if you want your business to stand out. It is the best way to make a connection with your audience, to build a relationship, to earn their trust and ultimately turn them into paying customers.  Here are 10 things you NEED to know if you’re building your brand.

(*Note: Use the bold text as the headline for your graphics, as the rest as caption)

Tip #1: Your brand is the personality, the heart, and the soul of what the company is.

Often people associate brands with colors, fonts, or a distinct look and that definitely forms part of it. But a strong brand is created by what the business stands for, the mission and the vision of the founder, and the values the company lives by.

Tip #2: Position your Brand values clearly for customers to identify with them.

It’s about highlighting those shared beliefs between the company and the customer, which will make people want to stand with that brand (or not!).

Tip #3: Know the values you want to infuse into the essence of your business.

When you show up for your audience, how do you want to show up? Who do you want to be for them?  For example, I’ve always positioned it as advice from a best friend, rather than an expert, and that then informs the brand voice.

Tip #4: Your brand voice creates emotion and helps customers identify with your brand.  The right tone of voice will build relationships and give your audience a clear idea of how the brand makes them feel.

Tip #5: Know who your audience is and build a brand to make them trust you.

A lot of entrepreneurs misjudge the situation and build the business from their perspective, but your business is not about you, it’s about your audience. You have to build the brand that will blow them away, that’s going to make them trust you and help them get to know you. Build  the brand for them, and think about what you’re going to do that will resonate with them

Tip #6: Create an avatar that represents your ideal customer.

Get into the mind of that person and understand who they are, how they live, what they are like. Discover who he or she is and how you can connect with that person. Get clear on their fears, doubts, worries, beliefs and dreams, the problems and the challenges they face.

Tip #7: Be clear on how you can serve your customer better

Get clear on who that person is in relation to who the company is and how you can help them achieve something, or overcome a challenge.

Tip #8: There are no unique messages only unique messengers.

We are unique messengers so we have to show up and stand for something specific and distinct.

Tip #9: Get involved in the design process as this is YOUR vision coming to life.

When it comes to physically creating the look and feel of your business, as the founder, you must get involved in the design process as you’re the one that determines the feel of the company.

Tip #10: Make sure that your design style is consistent across all platforms

Put together a brand mood board so that people can recognize your brand at first glance in line with your brand values.


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