Saturday, July 17, 2021

TOP 10 Timeless Branding Terms

DO YOU know what are the Branding terms that inspire your employees, your customers, and your fans? What about your brand personality and brand promise to your customers and fans?

Consider these questions: What does your brand stand for? What values are synonymous with your Brand? What are the compelling benefits? And is there consistency each time you interact with your target audience?

Here is the Top 10 list of timeless branding terms that may help you and your team answer these important branding questions.

1.      BRAND AMBASSADOR: In the simplest form, all employees are brand ambassadors representing the community's brand.

2.      BRAND ARCHITECTURE: is the structure and names of brands within a portfolio, like a “family tree” of brands and sub-brands.

3.      BRAND AUDIT: This is a comprehensive exam to determine the health of a brand.

4.      BRAND EXPERIENCE: influences how customers feel about your brand through a simple but meaningful encounter which builds consumer trust and awareness.

5.      BRAND EXTENSION: brings the brand into a new category, sub-category, or industry (for example, when Coca-Cola sells Dasani water)

6.      BRAND PERSONALITY: is the brand image and identity expressed in terms of human characteristics (for example, the Energizer Bunny)

7.      BRAND POSITIONING: This is how a company positions itself within the industry to reach out to its target audience in terms of benefits, and differentiation.

8.      BRAND PROMISE: is the experience brand consumers and fans can expect to receive every single time they interact with a brand – the more an organization can deliver on that promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of employees and customers

9.      BRAND STANDARDS/BRAND GUIDE is the standard by which a brand is communicated at all consumer touchpoints: from the logo usage specifications, color palettes, fonts, writing & design style, and other company-wide details.

10.   BRAND VOICE: This is how a brand is communicated to its audiences – whether written on a corporate website, social media or spoken over the phone. Once determined, this must be done invariably.


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