Friday, May 28, 2021

10 Things You Can Do to Better Cope with The Impact of Covid-19

WITH Covid-19 cases breaking new record highs almost every day, coping with the impact has become increasingly difficult for many.

 The unprecedented rate of change over the last few weeks has stretched some people over the limit, as it affects their current social, lifestyle, health, and financial well-being.

So, it is completely understandable for people to feel overwhelmed and maintain a  mind-body-spirit balance to better cope with the situation.

Here are some tips to cope with COVID-19’s impact.

1. Keep Perspective.

Be realistic with your level of concern. Follow the experts’ recommendations on social distancing and staying home, which goes a long way towards keeping everyone safe.

2. Stay calm.

Once you have done what you can to stay safe, it isn’t productive to ruminate over what would happen. This is a good time to check yourself by asking what’s probable versus what is possible.

3. Embrace the situation.

Look for the silver lining to change your mindset. Are you on lockdown? Take this opportunity to spend the extra time with your kids, partners or pets.

4. Be Creative.

Since you aren’t commuting to work, you can use that time to start a hobby. If you want to learn the guitar, start crocheting, or painting, this is the best time to give it a whirl.

5. Be Patient.

Even if you are feeling a little bit grumpy, you should keep your composure when communicating with your family members and friends. Try to be calmer and patient -- pause, reflect, and take a few deep breaths before responding.

6. Seek Balance.

Work-life balance has new challenges for those who are starting to work from home. These will be magnified if two people are sharing the same space, with home-schooling kids. Designate your workspace and set your working hours, to get on a  good start.

7. Stay active.

Being fit and active can help to improve your mood substantially. Take time to go for a walk or try some new yoga moves. Keep-up with the body-weight exercise routines, you see on  YouTube.

8. Stay connected.

Social isolation can take a toll even on those who are normally introverted. If you are starting to feel bored, you can organize video chats with family and friends. Some video platforms allow for multiple users so that you can have a virtual house party.

9. Shop Local.

This is the time to support your local small businesses as they rely on your patronage to stay in business. A bonus is there may be fewer people in the shop compared to the malls or hypermarkets.

10. Limit Negativity.

We want to stay current on what is happening in the world. However, more is not always better. With today’s 24-hour news cycle, it can be emotionally exhausting. Unfortunately, the news out there is unrelenting. Consider limiting how long you consume these  news updates, and take a day off every now and then.

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